Deer , Ground Hog , ETC Repellent Recipe

The recipe I use doesn’t have exact proportion. I use a 2 gallon pump sprayer; you can downsize along with adjusting the ingredients.. Ingredients are 4-6 eggs, fresh garlic and African chili powder. African chili powder can be picked up in the bulk section of any local health food store or purchased on-line.. Be careful, it’s extremely hot, try not to get any on your skin.

Rough chop about 1/2 bulb garlic and put  into a saucepan with about a quart of water and a couple tablespoons of the chili powder. Bring it to a boil and turn it down to a simmer for a while just to get all the oils out of the garlic and chili. Simmer it for about a half hour or so. Separate   6 eggs discarding the whites ,beat with a fork in a quart of water and a pinch of salt; do not work it to a froth. Pour the egg mixture through a kitchen sink drain strainer or cheese cloth into a container or right into the sprayer and if the garlic/chili has cooled a bit pour that through also. It’s to get all the chunks out so it doesn’t clog the sprayer. Top off the 2 gallon sprayer with tap water. That’s pretty much it. You can pretty much put it together faster than I just explained it. It sticks well to plants year round. Every few weeks works well for a spray schedule. The idea is to break the deers routine for coming to your house for munching. You’ll notice after the first couple of sprayings that the deer are more interested in going somewhere else. The 2 gallons does about an acre perimeter spraying and some of the planting near the house. So you really don’t have to soak anything, just a misting. It’s the smell that really drives them away.


Gerry Burke


Posted in Landscaping.